Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training

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Evolve as a professional in Unix/Linux & Shell Script by mastering the fundamentals, architecture, and automation with CertZip Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training.

Course Description for Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training

The Unix Shell Scripting online certification helps to make the candidate clear about the Command usage, directory structure, and architecture of the Unix operating system, learn how to make use of the Putty tool to connect Unix server, know about various flavours of Unix, file system layout, how to access Unix server.

UNIX certification delivers a vendor-neutral, favourably considered global standard for determining open operating systems. According to the Single UNIX Specification, only fully compliant and certified systems are eligible to use the UNIX® trademark.

Software engineers and IT professionals, Mainframe professionals and data analysts. Unix developers, Unix administrators, and testing professionals.

You will learn about the overview of the UNIX Operating System, the basic and advanced features, the various UNIX shell scripting techniques, UNIX commands, and the UNIX Server. This training provides hands-on experience with real-world projects and assignments that keep the industry's needs in mind.

UNIX is easy and readable, but it needs a programmer to comprehend and relish its plainness.

Software engineers and IT professionals, Mainframe professionals and data analysts. Unix developers, Unix administrators, and testing professionals.

Unix is in significant need of software technology with various employment routes like an engineer in Unix, an administrator in Unix, Systems engineer in Unix, Infrastructure administrator in Unix.

While the need continues to increase for Unix shell scripting talent, there remains a lack of experienced professionals in the market. There are endless career upgrade opportunities for developers and systems administrators trained in Unix Shell Scripting.

UNIX is an operating system first developed in the 1960s and has been under constant development ever since. We mean the suite of programs that make the computer work by the operating system. It is a sound, multi-user, multi-tasking system for servers, desktops, and laptops.

What you'll learn in Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training

  • In this course, you will learn: General Utility Commands Handling Ordinary Files and Filters File Attributes and Networking Shell Script operation and more.

Requirements of Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training

  • Understanding of the Unix/Linux command line and running simple commands. Familiarity with running commands with options (e.g. ls ‑l ) and combining several command-line options (e.g. ls ‑lR ) Basic knowledge of Unix file permissions.

Curriculam of Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training

In this module, you will get an overview of the Unix Operating System, its Architecture, Directory Structure and Command Usage and learn how to connect Unix Server using the Putty tool.

Introduction to the UNIX Operating System
Features of UNIX
Unix vs Windows and DOS Operating System
Different flavours of Unix
Unix System Architecture
File System Layout in Unix
Unix Command Usage
Unix Directory Structure/Hierarchy
Advantages and Disadvantages of Unix OS
Accessing Unix Server.

In this, you will learn how to write and use commands, message print on screen and get hands-on experience on basic commands in the Unix box by using the Putty tool and Ubuntu.

Getting started: Ubuntu
commands in Ubuntu (like apt-get, apt-cache, etc.)
Essential proper Unix commands (like sleep, passwd, date, cal, etc.)
Login related commands
Terminal related commands
Online Manual
Displaying Message
Disk related commands
Command for Unix OS details
Control Terminal Colour and Cursor

In this module, you will learn how to create, delete, rename, copy, move, display files along with Redirection and Piping concepts.

What is Files
Directories and Sub-directories
Types of Files
The Naming convention of Files
Directory related terms
Wildcard Character used in Files
Commands to manage Directories
Commands to create
display and delete Files
Commands to Managing Files (cp, mv, wc, lp, etc)
Piping, Input/Output Redirection?

In this module, you will learn how to handle files and directories by using different commands and also learn Filter commands.

Splitting File Horizontally
Splitting File vertically
Useful File related Commands (like paste, tee, tr, cmp, comm, diff, alias, etc)
Compressing and Archiving Files
ln: Linking Files
Filter associated Commands (like grep, sort, uniq, awk, etc)
File Search

Metrics and trend charts will help you to demonstrate that your requirements gathering process is improving. The learning from this module will help you to manage the change requests that come into your project, using brainstorming, negotiation or Agile development methodology

Different types of Editors (like ed, sed, gEdit, emacs, nano, vi, vim)
Different modes of the vi editor
Screen Control, Navigation
Cursor Movement
Commands for saving and exit
Insert and Delete operation in vi
Searching for a pattern
Joining Lines
Copy and Paste
Block Copy, Move and Delete
Special features of vim editor
sed: Stream Editor, Use of xargs command.

In this module, you will understand the general idea of a Shell Script, where and how to use and the pre-requisites to work on Shell Script.

Different types of shell
What is Shell Scripting?
write and execute a Shell script file
Scripting Language vs Programming Language process
Running jobs in the background and foreground Scheduling Job (at, batch, cron, nice)
Terminate Process Environment Variable
Local and Global Variables
Positional Parameter

In this module, you will learn the approach of writing Shell Script with some basic programs.

Escape and Quoting Mechanism
Batch Script vs Shell Script
Advantages and Disadvantages of Shell Script
Shell Arithmetic Basic Operators
Shell Function
Decision Making Statement

In this module, you will learn how to debug a Shell Script Program and more hands on of important programs with assignment for own practice.

Debugging Shell Scripts
Shell Loops
Loop Control flow
Some important Shell Script Programs

learn the different types of file attributes, how to change file permission, communicate within a network using Unix command, Upload/Download files from Local to a server and vice versa.

Categories of Users and Permissions
Changing File Permission
Changing File Ownership
What is Superuser
Use of mask Command
Communication Commands in Network
Network related Commands
Transferring files between Local and Server
Copy files from the server to the server

discuss FAQs and project work with roles and responsibilities.

FAQ for Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training

A Unix shell is both a command interpreter and a programming language. The shell provides the user interface to the rich set of GNU utilities as a command interpreter, and the programming language features allow these utilities to be combined.

To better understand Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training, one must learn as per the curriculum.

Establishing and boosting UNIX system software on company servers and computers. Creating UNIX file systems. Putting up and managing UNIX user accounts and access management systems. Implementing network and computer system policies.

Unix fundamental skill set: Available system commands: mkdir, pwd, ls, cd, cp, mv, rm, etc. Computer networks: bridges, routers, switches, cabling. Data excursion: Paste, cut, grep, wc, diff. System permissions. Text editors: VI, Emacs, Pico. File streaming: handling, manipulating, viewing. Data processing.

The principal cause for the popularity of Unix Shell Scripting is its full scope. It is a strong programming method that can help you comprehend the command line sufficiently, conserve time, and do away with tiresome file management tasks.

You'll be fine if you're proficient in DOS and command lines. You must remember some simple commands (ls, cd, cp, rm, mv, grep, vi, several others) and some of the switches.

CertZip Support Team is for a lifetime and will be open 24/7 to help with your questions during and after the completion of Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training.

By enrolling in the Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training and completing the module, you can get the CertZip Unix Shell Scripting Training Certification.

$160 $169
$9 Off

Training Course Features


Every certification training session is followed by a quiz to assess your course learning.

Mock Tests
Mock Tests

The Mock Tests Are Arranged To Help You Prepare For The Certification Examination.

Lifetime Access
Lifetime Access

A lifetime access to LMS is provided where presentations, quizzes, installation guides & class recordings are available.

24x7 Expert Support
24x7 Expert Support

A 24x7 online support team is available to resolve all your technical queries, through a ticket-based tracking system.


For our learners, we have a community forum that further facilitates learning through peer interaction and knowledge sharing.


Successfully complete your final course project and CertZip will provide you with a completion certification.

Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training

A Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training is a certification that demonstrates that the holder has the proficiency and aptitudes needed to work with Unix Shell Scripting.

Using a shell script is most useful for repetitive tasks that may be time consuming to execute by typing one line at a time.

Yes, t's the fastest way to do automation on your system, and it's probably the best language for small utilities.

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H Henry
J John
S Shira
J Jacob
B Brian
I Ibrahim
T Takara
T Tiffno
J Jinto
J Jon
K Karen
A Aasin baker

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