Test Automation Engineer Masters Program

Software Testing
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The automation testing masters program helps you succeed in optimizing your test automation strategies and methodology.

Course Description for Test Automation Engineer Masters Program

The automation test engineer training program provides you with complete knowledge of software testing technologies such as Selenium Web Driver, TestNG, Maven, AutoIT, Selenium Grid, Appium, and Docker to help you build a robust testing framework.

Test automation developers or engineers are software developers who create and document programs that run automatic tests on new or current software – a vital part of the software development cycle. You will know to execute software testing in all phases of the software life cycle and the Automation of any web-based application using Selenium.

We have created the Automation Engineer master's program after thorough research and recommendations from industry experts. It will help you master concepts of Software Testing, Continuous Testing in DevOps, Selenium, Mobile Automation Testing, and Performance Testing, along with hands-on experience with tools and systems used by the industry experts.

There are no prerequisites for registering for the CertZip Automation Engineer Masters course.

Aspirants have technical diplomas or equivalents such as B.Tech, M.Tech, engineering degree, computer science degree, and programming knowledge.

Test automation engineers create and develop programs that execute automated tests on new and existing software. They also utilize guidelines to build programs and document automation scripts.

The responsibilities of an Automation Tester enclose designing, building, testing, and deploying the test automation solutions, which in turn assists in the design of scalable applications.

There is an inflated need for software testers as enterprises are curious about creating high-quality software. There is a significant demand for automation testing in several organizations as they embrace the DevOps methodology, which concentrates primarily on Automation. With thousands of jobs posted on several job portals for automation testers, this role is the top in demand.

Test automation engineers create and develop programs that execute automatic tests on renewed and existing software. They even utilize procedures to build programs and document automation scripts.

What you'll learn in Test Automation Engineer Masters Program

  • In this course, you will learn: Software testing in all phases of the software life cycle automation of any web-based application using Selenium Testing in DevOps Performance Testing using JMeter Mobile App Testing using Appium and more.

Requirements of Test Automation Engineer Masters Program

  • There are requirements for learning this course. However, the Basics of Java and SQL will be helpful

Curriculam of Test Automation Engineer Masters Program

Learn the fundamental concepts of software testing.

Introduction to software testing
Comprehend various testing types– unit, integration, system, sanity, smoke, interface, regression, acceptance
Define functional and non-functional Testing
Overview of Software Development Life Cycle
UI vs. API testing
Manual vs. Automation testing
Summary of writing test cases for UI and API
Social networking site- Account creation page
go through the different phases of SDLC and present testing types with examples
Discover UI and API examples using screenshots

This module will learn about different test design techniques used to test software, test execution, and test outcome analysis.

Identifying test conditions and designing test cases
Categories of test design tech
STLC and test design scenarios
Test case writing process
Test data generation, positive, negative test cases, BVT (boundary values)
Test sheet generation
Test case management--> Google Drive, Jira
Test execution manually on UI, API and through Automation on UI, API.
Screenshots with illustrations of Test Data Store, Test Execution through UI and Postman illustrations for API Test Execution

Know different stages of Testing and how Testing works in a DevOps environment.

Introduction to DevOps
Continuous Development using Git
The concepts and vocabulary of DevOps CI/CD
The intention and usefulness of CI/CD in DevOps
Tools applied in creating CI/CD pipeline (Git, Jenkins)
creating jobs using Jenkins, test management, and results analysis
JMeter for Performance Testing
JMeter screenshot that shows the Threadgroup for one scenario
Jenkins job shows the pipeline, including Git repo link of dev code, QA automation repo, reports generation, and mail trigger.

In this Module, you will learn about various techniques and approaches to creating a bug report and how to stimulate the test environment.

Bug reporting using Jira
Bundling of bugs
Overview of different test environments
Why test environments are important
Screenshots of Jira bug creation and bundling of bugs
Documentation of test cases in Jira
Overview of varying environment setups – test server, deployment server, production server

learning of Java required for Selenium.

Features of Java
Classes, Objects, Methods, and Constructors
Datatypes in Java,
Types of Variables in Java,
Basic Operators in Java,
Control Flow Statements,
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts,
Exception Handling Mechanisms,
Methods and Constructors,
Decision-Making Statements,
Looping Statements,
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts,
Exception Handling Mechanisms

Getting started with Selenium and its components. Also, use the Java collection framework.

Collection Framework (ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, and LinkedHashSet)
Map Interface in Java
Types of Applications (Desktop, Web, Mobile, Hybrid)
Software Testing Methods (Manual and Test Automation)
Test Automation Types (Unit Testing, API Testing, GUI Testing)
Test Automation Frameworks
Test Automation Tools
Test Automation Process
Components of Selenium Suite
Types of Testing
Selenium vs. Other Testing Tools
Integration of Selenium with Other Tools
ArrayList and LinkedList
HashSet and LinkedHashSet

understand the working and architecture of the Selenium WebDriver and use various web element locating strategies to automate your test scripts.

Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
Evolution of Selenium WebDriver
Advantages of Selenium WebDriver
Selenium WebDriver Architecture
Introduction to Web elements
Finding Web elements utilizing diverse Locators (ID, Name, Class Name, Tag Name, Link Text, Partial Link Text, CSS Selector, and XPath)
Introduction to XPath
Types of XPath
XPath Functions and Customisations
Locating Web elements using various Locators
Absolute and Relative XPath
XPath Functions
XPath Axes

learn to Discover Web Elements using CSS Selector and execute a Synchronization mechanism in test automation scripts.

What are CSS Selectors?
Locating Web Elements using CSS Selectors
Selenium Commands in WebDriver
Interacting with Web Elements
Performing Actions on Web Elements
Checking the Web Element state
Types of Waits in Selenium
Finding Web Elements using CSS Selectors
Selenium Commands in WebDriver
Types of Waits in Selenium

understand to Execute TestNG Framework in Selenium Scripts and structurize test cases using ideas such as annotations, grouping, sequencing, and parameterization. Conduct parallel tests as well as generate test reports of the executed tests.

Introduction to TestNG,
Installing TestNG Plug-in in Eclipse,
Rules to write TestNG,
Parallel/Cross Browser Testing,
Introduction to Reports,
Types of Reports,
Installing TestNG Plugin,
Executing a TestNG Script,
TestNG Assertions,
TestNG Parameters,
Parallel Testing using TestNG,
TestNG Reporting

know to Manage Alerts, Modal Dialog Box, Multiple Windows, Tabs, and scrolling on a web page. Verify Tooltip utilizing Selenium WebDriver.

What are Alerts?
Types of Alerts
Alert Interface methods
Handling Alerts in Selenium WebDriver
What is a Modal Dialog Box?
Handling Modal Dialog Box using Selenium WebDriver
Taking Multiple Windows and Multiple Tabs using Selenium WebDriver
Scrolling on a web page using JavaScriptExecutor
Verifying Tooltip using Selenium WebDriver
Managing various kinds of Alerts using Selenium WebDriver
Working Modal Dialog Box using Selenium WebDriver
Taking Multiple Windows and Multiple Tabs using Selenium WebDriver
Scrolling on a web page using JavaScriptExecutor
Verifying a Tooltip using Selenium WebDriver

learn to Handle IFrames utilizing Selenium WebDriver. Supervise Dropdowns and Multiple Select Operations using Select Class and Keyboard/Mouse-based interactions using Actions Class.

What is an IFrame?
Identifying an IFrame
Switching to IFrames using Selenium WebDriver
Select Class in Selenium WebDriver
Methods under Select Class
Managing Dropdowns and Multiple Select Operations using Select Class
Actions Class and Action Interface
Procedures for handling Keyboard and Mouse based interactions
Testing Drag and Drop and Mouse Hover functionality using Actions Class
Handling IFrames using Selenium WebDriver
Handling Dropdowns and Multiple Select Operations
Managing Keyboard and Mouse-based Interactions using Actions Class

learn to Deploy a Grid of numerous nodes and browsers.

Introduction to Selenium Grid,
Selenium Grid Architecture,
Deploy a Grid,
Introduction to Robot class,
Methods under Robot class (KeyPress, Key Release, Mouse Press, Mouse Release, Mouse Move),
Implementation of the Robot class,
Advantages and disadvantages of the Robot class,
Limitations of the Robot class,
Running Test Scripts on Selenium Grid,
Robot Class methods

learn to utilize Selenium IDE and execute the Page Object Model (POM) using Selenium WebDriver and Page Factory.

What is Selenium IDE?
Features of Selenium IDE
Selenese in Selenium IDE,
Why Page Object Model?
What is Page Object Model?
What is Page Factory?
Advantages of POM,
Implementing POM using Selenium WebDriver,
Implementing POM with Page Factory,
Test Case in Selenium IDE,
Page Object Model using Selenium WebDriver,
Page Object Model with Page Factory

comprehend the essential Test Automation Frameworks. Use Apache POI as well as Data Provider annotation to implement Data-Driven Framework.

Introduction to Selenium Frameworks
Types of Selenium Frameworks
Introduction to Data-Driven Test Framework
Advantages and Disadvantages of Data-Driven Test Framework
Best practices of Data-Driven Testing
Apache POI
Data Providers
Data-Driven Test Framework using POI and Data Providers

discovers to Execute Keyword-Driven and Hybrid Frameworks. Keep keyword function library and operate the Page Object Model with Hybrid Framework.

Introduction to Keyword-Driven Test Framework
Uses of Keyword-Driven Test Framework
Keyword-Driven Framework Components
Advantages and Limitations of Keyword-Driven Testing
Implement Keyword-Driven Framework
Introduction to Hybrid Driven Test Framework
Benefits and Limitations of Hybrid Test Framework
Operate the Page Object Model with Hybrid Framework
Implementing Hybrid Test Framework
Keyword-Driven Test Framework
Hybrid Driven Test Framework with Page Object Model

understand Agile Testing concepts and the advantages of the BDD framework in an Agile environment. Utilize Cucumber and Gherkin to write BDD Acceptance Tests in Selenium.

Agile Testing
Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
Advantages and Limitations of BDD
Cucumber Fundamentals
Gherkin Syntax in Cucumber
Step Definition for Cucumber Feature File
Advantages of Cucumber
Implementing BDD Framework using Cucumber
BDD with Cucumber

Learn the DevOps environment, how the DevOps delivery pipeline works, and how the ecosystem assists it.

Why DevOps?
What is DevOps?
DevOps market trends
DevOps Engineer skills
DevOps delivery pipeline
DevOps ecosystem

earn how to install Git and understand Version Control's functionalities using Git.

What is Version Control?
What is Git?
Why Git for your organization
Install Git
Working with remote repositories
Branching and merging in Git
Git workflows
Git cheat sheet
Implementation of Git in an Edtia project
Git installation, Version Control, branching, and merging of code

In this Module, you will learn how to perform continuous integration with Jenkins by building and automating test cases using Maven

What is CI?
Why is CI required?
Introduction to Jenkins (with architecture)
Introduction to Maven
Jenkins management
Building a delivery pipeline
Implementation of Jenkins in an Edtia project
Create and Automation tests using Jenkins and Maven

This Module will teach about Selenium and how to automate your test cases for testing web elements.

Introduction to Selenium
Why Selenium?
Selenium – Webdriver
Creating test cases in Selenium WebDriver (waits)
What is X-Path, and why use it?
Handling different controls on a webpage
Framework in Selenium
Selenium integration with Jenkins
Implementation of Selenium in an Edtia project
Installing Selenium
Creating test cases in Selenium WebDriver
Integrating Selenium with Jenkins

Learn the concepts of Non-Functional Testing.

Introduction to Non-Functional Testing
Need for Non-Functional Testing
Types of Non-Functional Testing
Introduction to Performance Testing
Performance Testing components
4.2.Performance Testing using JMeter
Performance Testing using JMeter
JMeter: The preferred tool for Performance Testing
Introduction to Apache JMeter
Elements of JMeter
Performance testing using JMeter
Assertions, controllers, and processors in JMeter
JMeter best practices
Perform JMeter GUI based operations
Learn how to add and configure elements
Develop test report, which includes error log files

acquire an understanding of the various Non-Functional testing types.

What is Load testing?
Need for Load testing
Objectives of Load testing
How to perform load testing using JMeter
What is Stress testing?
Need for Stress testing
Purpose of Stress testing
How to perform Stress testing using JMeter
Conduct Load testing of a website using (http://automationpractice.com/index.php) JMeter
Perform Stress testing of a website using (http://automationpractice.com/index.php) JMeter

In this Module, you will learn to check if a software package is scalable and secure.

Introduction to Scalability testing
Why do we need Scalability Testing?
Scalability test attributes
Stages to test the Scalability of an application using JMeter
Introduction to Security testing
Why do we need Security testing?
Types of Security testing
Methodologies used for Security testing
Perform Scalability testing of an application (http://automationpractice.com/index.php) using JMeter
Conduct Security testing of an application (http://automationpractice.com/index.php) using JMeter

discover how to combine Selenium Webdriver with Apache JMeter.

Introduction to Selenium Webdriver
Selenium Webdriver plugin in JMeter
Creating test scripts using Selenium
Adding scripts using Selenium Webdriver Sampler
Running and validating test scripts.
Install and configure the Selenium Webdriver plugin
Design, implement and validate a Selenium test script, execute login, and navigation, read and write operations on Github, and measure performance metrics using JMeter.

learn the features of mobile apps, types of mobile apps, various mobile testing tours, and other mobile testing approaches.

Define Mobile Automation Testing
Different Mobile Platforms,
Types of mobile testing tours,
Approaches to mobile Testing,
Levels of mobile Testing,
Life-cycle for mobile Testing,
Automation frameworks

Know Appium v1.11.1, the installation of Appium, and its basics, ADB commands and the actions performed on an app using Appium.

Introduction to Appium and Appium architecture.
Overview of various Appium versions
Appium Installation and Configuration
Appium UIAutomatorviewer usage
Commonly used ADB commands
Starting the Appium server with advanced options
First simple code in Appium with Java
Understanding Appium Inspector to Find Locators
Automate an app on a virtual Android device
Automating an app on a device to access the different elements with all the other attributes and handling the details with the same qualities using the index

This Module briefly describes different waits to synchronize the tests and app management using Appium.

Synchronize the tests with an implicit, explicit, and fluent wait.
Automate app management such as installing, uninstalling, resetting, closing the app, and putting the app in the background
Implementing assertions in Appium scripts.
Appium interactions to push and pull files and folders.
Appium Test with TestNG
Create a simple TestNG project to automate an app with synchronization and demonstration of all the application management scenarios

In this Module, you will learn to handle and automate the gestures and critical events using Appium.

Automate gestures on the Android app such as touch Action, scroll, tapping, long press, swiping, and orientation
Automating mouse hovering like move to, double click, button-down, button-up, etc.
Automating spinners, switch button, seek bar.
Automate android key events
Automate drag and drop, pinch and zoom, alert gestures
Automate all the gestures on an android phone - touch Action, scroll, tapping, long press, swiping, orientation, spinners, switch button, seek bar, and handle critical events using Appium

learn network management and performance analysis using Appium.

Read the notifications from the notification bar
Automating networking configurations such as toggling airplane mode, toggle data, toggle Wi-Fi
Automating the app interactions such as lock and unlock and rotating the android phone
Get the performance data of an android app
Creating an Appium script to handle all the network configurations and the app interactions with the performance details of an application

In this Module, you will learn how to automate hybrid and native android applications

Hybrid and Native app features
Desired capabilities for native and hybrid apps
Activity Lifecycle Testing for Native App
Switching between the views, invoking activities via Intents, killing activities
Steps to automate a hybrid app using Java
Efforts to automate a native android app using Java
Automate a hybrid android application and a native android application on an android phone

FAQ for Test Automation Engineer Masters Program

the average salary per year for an Automation testing engineer is $462,351 - $71,637

Test automation improves software efficiency and assures software grade with minimal effort and maximum accuracy. Following are the benefits: Fast Feedback: Automated Testing enhances communication among all project stakeholders and allows faster rectification of errors.

Although not required, it will be helpful to convey with developers and participate in unit testing if an Automation test engineer understands to code.

To better understand the Test Automation Engineer Masters Program Certification Training, one must learn as per the curriculum.

No, it is not. Further, if you have computer science knowledge and undergo software development, understanding Automation testing will be much easier.

Automated Testing Saves Time and Money Manually repeating these tests is costly and time-consuming. Onetime created, automated tests can be run frequently at no extra cost, and they are much quicker than manual tests.

With the following skillsets, you can be an Automation Test Engineer, knowledge about: - Software development tools, - Databases, - Test Tools, and - Frameworks

You will receive CertZip's certification on completing hours of live online instructor-led classes.

$1940 $2042
$102 Off

Training Course Features


Every certification training session is followed by a quiz to assess your course learning.

Mock Tests
Mock Tests

The Mock Tests Are Arranged To Help You Prepare For The Certification Examination.

Lifetime Access
Lifetime Access

A lifetime access to LMS is provided where presentations, quizzes, installation guides & class recordings are available.

24x7 Expert Support
24x7 Expert Support

A 24x7 online support team is available to resolve all your technical queries, through a ticket-based tracking system.


For our learners, we have a community forum that further facilitates learning through peer interaction and knowledge sharing.


Successfully complete your final course project and CertZip will provide you with a completion certification.

Test Automation Engineer Masters Program

The first re-attempt will be free of cost if you fail the exam.

After 10-15 days of the certification exam, you will receive the results.

If candidates don’t earn the required Professional Development Units (PDUs) to qualify for recertification, then their certification will get suspended as per the CCR handbook by PMI.

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W William
J John
B Benjamin Morris
J Jacob
C Christine
M Maureen
D David
D Dylan
W Wei
C Chris

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