
CompTIA Linux+ is a professional certification program that assesses a candidate's technical competence in Linux system administration. It encompasses a range of advanced skills, including system configuration, package management, command-line proficiency, filesystem management, network configuration, security measures, and advanced troubleshooting. This certification is a recognized standard for IT professionals seeking to demonstrate their proficiency in Linux-based environments.

Course Description for COMPTIA LINUX+

Description: CompTIA Linux+ is a reputable certification that rigorously evaluates an individual's proficiency in Linux system administration and management. It serves as a comprehensive benchmark for technical competencies in Linux-related tasks, particularly within enterprise environments. Key technical aspects of CompTIA Linux+ include: System Configuration: A deep understanding of Linux system installation, configuration, and maintenance, encompassing boot loaders, kernel parameters, and system initialization processes. Package Management: Proficiency in package management systems like RPM and DPKG, including software installation, updates, and dependencies resolution. Command-Line Mastery: Advanced command-line skills, including Bash scripting, text processing tools, and the ability to perform intricate system administrative tasks efficiently through the command line interface. Filesystem Administration: In-depth knowledge of Linux filesystems, disk management, partitioning, formatting, and management of file attributes and permissions.

CompTIA Linux+ is a vendor-neutral certification that validates the skills and knowledge of IT professionals in Linux system administration. It covers a wide range of Linux-related topics, making it a valuable credential for those working with Linux-based systems.

CompTIA Linux+ is designed for IT professionals, including system administrators, network administrators, and DevOps engineers, who work with Linux systems. It's ideal for those seeking to demonstrate their expertise in managing Linux environments.

There are no strict prerequisites for the CompTIA Linux+ exam. However, it's recommended that candidates have some foundational knowledge of Linux and basic IT skills. CompTIA A+ or CompTIA Network+ certifications can be beneficial but are not mandatory.

The CompTIA Linux+ exam covers various technical areas, including Linux system installation and maintenance, command-line skills, filesystems, networking, security, scripting, virtualization, and cloud concepts. Candidates should be prepared to demonstrate proficiency in these domains.

To prepare for the exam, you can use various resources such as study guides, online courses, practice exams, and hands-on experience with Linux systems. CompTIA provides official study materials, and there are numerous third-party resources available to help you prepare effectively.

What you'll learn in COMPTIA LINUX+

  • Passing the CompTIA Linux+ certification exam with confidence Configuring and managing software, storage and process and services Understanding the best practices for permissions and authentication, firewalls, and file management Creating simple shell scripts and execute basic BASH scripts, version control using Git, and understanding orchestration processes Analyzing system properties and processes and troubleshooting user, application and hardware issues

Requirements of COMPTIA LINUX+

  • Basic familiarity with computer networks, administration, and security is helpful (But, all required information will be covered during the course) (Helpful, but not required) Completion of the CompTIA A+, Network+, and Security+ certifications

Curriculam of COMPTIA LINUX+

Kernel Panic

Boot Commands (Demo)
Initrd and Initramfs Commands (Demo)
Boot and EFI File Overview (Demo)
Grub2 File Overview (Demo)
Grub File Overview (Demo)
Bootloader Phase: GRUB2 Bootloader
Bootloader Phase: GRUB Bootloader
Boot Options
Bootstrap Phase
Module 1 Overview: Linux Boot Process
Course Overview and Instructor Introduction

Working with Kernel, Boot Modules, and Files

Kernel Commands and File Locations (Demo)
Kernel Commands
Module 2 Overview: Kernel Modules

Network Tuning

Network Bonding
Network Routing Overview
Network Bridging Overview
Network Connection Management Tools (Demo)
Network Connection Monitoring (Demo)
Name Resolution Commands (Demo)
Name Resolution Files (Demo)
Network Connection Configuration (Demo)
Ubuntu Network Connection Files
CentOS Network Connection Files
Configuring Host Names
Host Name Configuration (Demo)
Module 3 Overview: Network Configuration

Check and Repair Filesystems

Filesystem Troubleshooting
XFS Filesystem Tools (Demo)
External File System Tools (Demo)
External File Systems
Control Mounting and Unmounting of Filesystems
Persistent Mounts (Demo)
File System Mounting (Demo)
File System Creation (Demo)
RAID and /dev/disk/
LVM Commands and Device Mapper
Device Mapper and LVM
Working with Relative and Absolute Paths
Path Concepts (Demo)
Disk Space Commands (Demo)
Filesystem Types
Block Devices (Demo)
Create Partitions and Filesystems
Partitioning: Part 2 (Demo)
Partitioning: Part 1 (Demo)
Module 4 Overview: Storage Management

Virtualization Commands

Hypervisor Types
Virtual Network Concepts
Storage Types
Initialization Tools
VM Templates and Markup
Module 5 Overview: Cloud and Virtualization Concepts

Localization Commands (Demo)

Localization File Locations (Demo)
Environment Variables and Character Sets
Module 6 Overview: Localization Options

Kernel Updates

Sandboxed Applications
Acquisition Commands
Using Repositories
Repositories (Demo)
Repositories Overview
Working with Libraries
Build Tools
DPKG Installation Tools (Demo)
Using RPM and YUM Package Management
RPM Package Managers
RPM Command (Demo)
Package Types
Module 7 Overview: Software Management

Global Entries

Working with Bash Profiles and Bash Scripts
Bash Profiles
Managing Disk Quotas
User & Group Quotas
Enabling Quotas (Demo)
Run User Level Queries
Query Commands (Demo)
Password Management (Discussion and Demo)
Find System Files and Place Files in the Correct Location
File Locations (Demo)
Managing User and Group Accounts and Related System Files
User & Group Deletion (Demo)
User & Group Modification (Demo)
User & Group Creation (Demo)
Module 8 Overview: User and Group Management

Link Commands (Demo)

Location Commands (Demo)
Transfer Commands (Demo)
Performing Basic File Management
File and Directory Operations Part 2
File and Directory Operations Part 1
Advanced Text Processing Part 2
Advanced Text Processing Part 1
Text Processing (Demo)
Redirection Part 2
Redirection Part 1
File Readers (Demo)
File Creation and Text Editing (Demo)
Module 9 Overview: File and Directory Management

SysVinit runlevels

SysVinit chkconfig
SysVinit Service Management
Systemd Targets (Demo)
Systemd Unit Files
Systemd-analyze blame
Systemd Command (Demo)
Systemd Overview
Module 10 Overview: Service Management with systemd and SysVinit


Load Balancers
Mail Server (Demo)
Print Server
Database Server (Demo)
Monitoring Server
VPN Server
Container Server
Log Server (Demo)
Proxy Server (Demo)
Authentication Server
Samba Server Installation (Demo)
NFS Server Installation
File Server Overview
DHCP (Demo)
Name Server (Demo)
Certificate Authority Servers
Install and Configure a Web Server
NGINX Web Server (Demo)
Apache Web Server (Demo)
Web Servers Overview
SSH Server (Demo)
NTP Server (Demo)
Module 11 Overview: Server Roles

Automate System Administration Tasks by Scheduling Jobs

Kill Command (Demo)
Job Control
at daemon (Demo)
The crontab Utility (Demo)
The cron Daemon (Demo)
Module 12 Overview: Job Scheduling and Automation

Troubleshooting with dmesg and abrt

Storage Device Buses Overview
PCI Device Bus (Demo)
USB Device Bus (Demo)
Udevadm Commands
Udev and Rule Locations
sysfs File System (Demo)
procfs File System (Demo)
Device Bus (Demo)
Manage Printers and Printing
Printer Device Overview
Output Devices
I/O devices: GPIO and HBA
Network Devices: Bluetooth, WiFi and Network Adapters
Module 13 Overview: Linux Devices

CompTIA Linux+ - Study Break!

Accessibility (Demo)
Console Redirection
Linux Remote Desktop Options
Linux Desktop Comparison (Demo)
Display Servers: X11 and Wayland
Module 14 Overview: Linux Graphical User Interfaces

Privilege Escalation

User Types (Demo)
AppArmor Overview
SELinux Tools
SELinux Policy (Demo)
SELinux Overview
Settling Limits with ulimit
Access Control List (Demo)
Manage File Permissions and Ownership
umask and Permissions
Permissions Utilities (Demo)
Permission Bits
File and Directory Permissions
Module 15 Overview: Permissions, User Types, and Privilege Escalation

VPN as a Client

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Work with TTY
TTY and PTY Terminals
TCP Wrappers
Secure Communication using SSH
SSH, Keys, and Utilities
SSH Client
PAM Utilities and Policy
PAM and Configuration File (Demo)
Module 16 Overview: Access and Authentication

Security Scanning

Importance of Adding Banners and MOTD (Demo)
Disable Ctrl+Alt+Del (Demo)
Restricting cron Access
Disk Encryption With LUKS
Restricting USB Devices
CVE Monitoring (Demo)
Enabling Auditd
Enabling SSL/TLS
Disable or Uninstall Unused/Non-Secure Services
Changing Default Ports (Demo)
Disk Partitioning: Separate OS and Application Data
Configure UFW and DenyHosts
Denying Hosts
Enforcing No Shared IDs
Set up SFTP to Chroot Jail only for Specific Group
Chroot Jail Services
Work with PKI
Password-Less Login and Enforcing Use of PKI (Demo)
Disabling Root Login via SSH (Demo)
Kerberos Security
LDAP Security Overview
Remote Authentication Options
Multifactor Authentication Methods: Tokens, OTP and Biometrics
Boot the System
Boot Security (Discussion and Demo)
Module 17 Overview: Linux Security Best Practices

Secure a Linux Terminal and Implement Logging Services

Third-Party Logging Agents
Services Logging With Journald: journalctl
Log Rotation (Demo)
Log Management (Demo)
Key Log File Locations
Module 18 Overview: Implementing Logging

Common Application Port Configurations

Dynamic Rule Set: IPset
Dynamic Rule Set (Demo): Fail2ban
Dynamic Rule Set: DenyHosts
IP Forwarding
ufw Configuration
Firewalld (Demo): Zones and Run Time
iptables Overview: Chains, Tables and Persistency
Netfilter Overview
Firewall Operation Types: Logging, Stateful and Stateless
Access Control Lists
Module 19 Overview: Implementing and Configuring Firewalls

Integrity Checks With Hashing

Transfer Utilities (Demo)
Backup Types
Compression Utilities (Demo)
Archive and Restore Utilities (Demo)
Module 20 Overview: Linux Backup, Restore and Compression

Recovering Lost Root Password

Memory Troubleshooting (Demo)
Memory Swapping
Memory Overview
CPU Troubleshooting
CPU Monitoring
Storage Repair (Demo)
I/O Scheduler Overview
Disk Latency Troubleshooting
Disk Space Monitoring
Basic Network Troubleshooting
Network Mapping and Protocol Analyzers
Network Security Troubleshooting
Name Resolution Troubleshooting
Network Performance Troubleshooting
Latency Troubleshooting
Network Troubleshooting with netstat and ss
Network Configuration Troubleshooting
Network Concepts and Terms
Module 21 Overview: Troubleshooting System Problems

Create, Monitor and Kill Processes

Process Priority
Process Termination Commands
Process Management Commands
Process States
Process Monitoring
Module 22 Overview: Process Management

Environment and Shell Issues

File Creation Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Authentication
Remote Access Troubleshooting
Local Access Troubleshooting
Manage File and Directory Permissions
Troubleshoot File and Directory Permissions
Module 23 Overview: Troubleshooting User Issues

Hardware Troubleshooting Commands (Demo)

Troubleshooting Hardware
Dependency Issues Part 2
Dependency Issues Part 1
Permission Troubleshooting
Firewall Troubleshooting
Storage Integrity (Demo)
Storage Adapter Troubleshooting
Storage Troubleshooting
Module 24 Overview: Troubleshooting Applications and Hardware

Customize or Write Simple Scripts

Shells, Scripting and Data Management
Looping in BASH
Conditional Statements
Conditional Statements
Condition Tests
Exit Codes
Command Line Arguments and Positional Parameters
Command Line Arguments and Positional Parameters
Escaping Characters
File Globbing and Shell Expansions
Redirection and Piping
Commenting and Escaping Characters
Script Sourcing, Permissions, Extensions and BASH Path
BASH Shell Environment (Demo)
Module 25 Overview: BASH Scripting

Advanced Git Commands

Basic Git Commands (Demo)
Git Initialization (Demo)
Git Installation (Demo)
Module 26 Overview: Version Control in Git

Infrastructure as Code

Orchestration Procedures, Attributes and Inventory
Orchestration and Monitoring
Module 27 Overview: Orchestration Processes and Concepts

Kubernetes Container Orchestration

K8s and Use Cases
Container Image Operations
Container Operations
Docker Installation
Container Packages
Module 28 Overview: Containers and Orchestration Concepts

Kubernetes Container Orchestration

Kubernetes Benefit and Use Cases
Container Image Operations
Container Operations
Docker Installation
Container Packages
Containers and Orchestration Concepts
IAC Utilities
Advanced Git Commands
Additional Boolean Condition Operators
The $SHELL Environment Variable
Runaway Processes
Process Management Commands
Other vmstat Uses
Memory Monitoring
iostat in Detail
CPU Monitoring
SSD Device Issues
Additional Network Concepts
Security Scanning
SSL/TLS Troubleshooting
Wildcard Certificates
Other Authentication Items
Additional SELinux Tools
File Attributes
PolicyKit Rules
Console Redirection/Tunneling
Job Control Commands
Systemd Unit Files in Detail
File Operations
Command Redirection
File Metadata
Kernel Updates
Sandboxed Applications
RPM-Based Package Manager Config Files
RPM Developer Tricks
Other Storage Types
Creating and Managing Volumes Using Logical Volume Manager (LVM) Commands
Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
Other Storage Commands
Networking Services
Name Resolution Commands
Booting from USB
CompTIA Linux+ Practice Exam
Course Conclusion


The CompTIA Linux+ exams cover a wide range of topics, including Linux system architecture, installation and package management, GNU and Unix commands, devices, file systems, shell scripting, user interfaces and desktops, system administration tasks, and more. It also includes security and troubleshooting aspects of Linux systems.

nswer: The CompTIA Linux+ exams consist of multiple-choice and performance-based questions. The performance-based questions may require candidates to perform specific tasks on a Linux system using a command-line interface. These practical questions assess a candidate's ability to work with Linux in real-world scenarios. nswer: The CompTIA Linux+ exams consist of multiple-choice and performance-based questions. The performance-based questions may require candidates to perform specific tasks on a Linux system using a command-line interface. These practical questions assess a candidate's ability to work with Linux in real-world scenarios. Answer: The CompTIA Linux+ exams consist of multiple-choice and performance-based questions. The performance-based questions may require candidates to perform specific tasks on a Linux system using a command-line interface. These practical questions assess a candidate's ability to work with Linux in real-world scenarios.

Answer: There are various ways to prepare for the CompTIA Linux+ exams. You can use official CompTIA study materials, such as books and online courses. Additionally, practice exams and hands-on labs can help you gain confidence with Linux systems. Joining online forums and communities related to Linux can also be beneficial for asking questions and getting support from experienced professionals.

Answer: CompTIA does not publicly disclose the passing score for their exams. The scoring is scaled, and the passing score may vary slightly from one exam version to another. To ensure success, it's essential to thoroughly prepare for both exams to achieve a high score.

Yes, CompTIA Linux+ is recognized by many employers, especially those that use Linux-based systems in their IT environments. It demonstrates your proficiency in Linux administration, which is a valuable skill in today's technology job market. Many organizations value CompTIA certifications as a measure of an individual's knowledge and skills.

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Training Course Features


Every certification training session is followed by a quiz to assess your course learning.

Mock Tests
Mock Tests

The Mock Tests Are Arranged To Help You Prepare For The Certification Examination.

Lifetime Access
Lifetime Access

A lifetime access to LMS is provided where presentations, quizzes, installation guides & class recordings are available.

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24x7 Expert Support

A 24x7 online support team is available to resolve all your technical queries, through a ticket-based tracking system.


For our learners, we have a community forum that further facilitates learning through peer interaction and knowledge sharing.


Successfully complete your final course project and CertZip will provide you with a completion certification.


To earn CompTIA Linux+ certification, you need to pass one exam, which is usually referred to as the "CompTIA Linux+ exam." There is no separate practical or lab-based exam.

Yes, CompTIA Linux+ is a globally recognized certification that is respected by employers and IT organizations worldwide. It demonstrates your proficiency in Linux system administration, making it valuable in various job markets.

CompTIA Linux+ certification is valid for three years. To maintain your certification, you can participate in CompTIA's Continuing Education (CE) program, which allows you to earn renewal credits by completing additional training and certifications.

The CompTIA Linux+ exam typically consists of multiple-choice and performance-based questions. The performance-based questions assess your practical skills in a simulated Linux environment, while multiple-choice questions test your knowledge of Linux concepts.

CompTIA offers both in-person testing at authorized testing centers and online proctoring for the Linux+ exam. You can choose the testing method that is most convenient for you.

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