Major difference: Hacking and Ethical Hacking

What is Hacking?

Hacking is acquiring unauthorized entrance to data, details, systems, or resources. Hackers are individuals with technical skills who exploit data to handle networks to breach and steal sensitive data. The standard image of a hacker is a sole defector programmer skilled in coding and modifying computer software systems. However, this narrow perspective needs to capture the full complex nature of Hacking. Hackers are evolving more refined, employing stealthy attack techniques that go unreported by cybersecurity tools and IT professionals. They're also specialists at developing attack vectors that persuade consumers to open malware programs or click on dangerous websites, revealing sensitive personal information.

Why Do Hackers Do What They Do? 

  • Swiping credit card information or cheating banking systems through Hacking are criminal attacks for monetary benefits.
  • Some hackers are motivated to acquire notoriety and shine their image inside the hacker community by leaving their imprint on websites they damage as evidence that they carried out the breach.
  • When a firm's hackers attempt to steal data about a rival's goods and services to obtain a competitive edge, this is known as corporate spying.
  • Occasionally to loot business and government information, sabotage their opponents' systems, or even outrage dispute and uncertainty in a nation, entire countries partake in state-sponsored Hacking.

Hacking and Ethical Hacking

Hacking is the illegal or legal practice of accessing data held in any system by professional hacking experts. These specialists are termed, Hackers. Hackers have all the details related to programming and its notions. Hackers pick up the mistakes made by programmers while developing or working on software to infringe on the security framework of the software. 

Ethical Hacking is deployed as a tool worldwide to deal with cyber criminals and safeguard sensitive data. Ethical Hackers assist develop the security system of a framework in a company or organization to prevent possible threats. They are called White Hats, who end up protecting the Black Hats, the unethical hackers. Ethical Hacking is embraced by many almost every organization. 

Types of Hackers: 

A Hacker is a person who is extremely curious about the weird workings of any computer operating system. Hackers are most often programmers. They gather cutting-edge knowledge of operating systems and programming languages and discover loopholes within systems and the reasons for such loopholes. There are generally ten types of Hackers; they are as follows:

  • White Hat Hackers
  • Black Hat Hackers 
  • Gray Hat Hackers 
  • Script Kiddies
  • Green Hat Hackers 
  • Blue Hat Hackers
  • Red Hat Hackers 
  • State/Nation Sponsored Hackers 
  • Hacktivist
  • Malicious Insider or Whistleblower

Categories of Hacking

  • Windows Hacking
  • Database Hacking
  • Web Hacking
  • Network Hacking

Other methods of Hacking

  • Phishing – In this sort of Hacking, hackers operate their mastery to hack passwords of emails or websites. People usually receive phishing emails in their inboxes. The hackers usually derive users' login information by their email ids, asking them to log in and shifting it to their website.
  • Botnets – Sometimes, robots do the hacking job via botnets.
  • Keyloggers – Hackers install a device on a motherboard port and rob details typed on the keyboard.

Differences Between Hacking and Ethical Hacking:

Hacking: Robbing valuable information of corporations and individuals for illegal activity.

Ethical Hacking:  Hack the system to decrease the exposure of the company's system

Hacking: Illegal practice and believed a crime.

Ethical Hacking: Legal practice approved by the company or individual.

Hacking: These types of hackers are called black-hat hackers.

Ethical Hacking: These types of hackers are called white-hat hackers.

Hacking: Hackers try to access restricted networks through illegal practices and reduce data security.

Ethical Hacking: Hackers create firewalls and security protocols. 

Hacking: They work for themselves for dirty money.

Ethical Hacking: They work with various government agencies and big tech companies.

Hacking: A black hat hacker has no legit professional development. Instead, the individual is always at risk of being caught by the law. 

Ethical Hacking: ethical Hacking is a sought-after career with exceptional pay. After receiving your entry-level job, you can put yourself up for even more refined computer security tasks like senior penetration tester or network administrator in a business. 

Similarities between Hacking and Ethical Hacking:

  • Whether a white-hat hacker or black or grey, they utilize the same mechanisms for Hacking.
  • All the hackers have in-depth and strong knowledge of the web, operating systems, and computer fundamentals.
  • They all try to find exposures by zero-day attack initially.


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Hackers vs Crackers

Hackers assist in building security, whereas crackers desire to break security. There is a difference between the two, although they are both employed in Hacking.

Hackers usually have an evolved level of knowledge regarding computer security and have all the technical knowledge required but are not necessarily as talented as hackers. Hackers desire to counter attacks by crackers on computer systems and web internet safety. 

Crackers are aware that their actions are illegal and thus are criminal activities; therefore, they try to cover their tracks. Although crackers may be trained in breaching systems, skilled hackers can restore the security of the breached system and catch the cracker with their mastery and competency. 


Hackers can write codes in many languages and have in-depth knowledge of computer languages. On the other hand, crackers do not have this knowledge. They need details about computer programming. Their work and its intent make them poles apart from each other.

The internet supplies extensive information. Individuals with strong minds can quickly adjust and improve. What denotes hackers is their motivation for Hacking. Internet businesses are rushing to make ethical hacking teams help lower these risks. Ethical hackers create a safety net for your company. They will provide the security of your network, email, devices, and databases. You can run up to them as soon as a situation is noticed. This means that it has opened up a new profession for creative security enthusiasts to earn a living securing company information and maintaining the integrity of their systems.

Are you curious about entering the force and applying your problem-solving skills to solving information security problems? Then start by learning ethical Hacking today. Check out our Certified Ethical Hacker Course to learn the in-detail concepts of Ethical Hacking and get skilled.


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